Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Dark Secret of JX Oil . . .

Hey all,

Headed on down the corporate headquarters of JX Nippon Oil & Energy Company, over by Tokyo station.  Now, they want the world to think that they're simply an oil and gas company, nothing more

And they almost fooled me.  Almost.  But they made one fatal mistake that allowed me to figure out their true purpose:  Making Gundams.  Yes that's right, JX Nippon Oil & Energy Company is secretly making Gundams, which I can only assume are waiting for the secret activation code to awaken and defend the soil of Japan

But every mastermind makes a mistake, even the perfect crime has a single flaw.  Oh yes, I never would have cottoned on to their disguise if not for one tiny mistake:  Putting pictures of Gundams all over their lobby walls

Gonna have to get up earlier than that to fool me, JX

Noah out

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