Sunday, August 17, 2014

In which Our Hero went camping!

Hey everybody,

So I got invited along by my mother's friend, Dan, to go camping with his wife (who teaches English) and her class.  My thought process was something along the lines of "nah, I . . . wait a minute, why would I not do this??"

We drove for about two hours up near Mt. Fuji to this absolutely gorgeous lake, pitched our tents like thirty feet from the water, and hung out for a day with the sun (intermittent with rain and wind, but hey I'm not complaining)

Not a lot to write about, just an excuse to post these two pictures!

So how'd you spend *your* weekend???
Noah out


  1. So jealous!

    Also, the little kids in the front are super-cute.

    1. Wasian babies are the cutest, that's just a fact ;)

  2. Surely you have more to say about the experience. How is Dan and Kiwa and the boys. Learn anything new?

    1. Haha yeah, I was so exhausted when I wrote up that post. I just wanted to put something up in case people were wondering why I didn't have any online presence for like two days

      Dan is super cool, Kiwa is wonderful and amazing, and the boys are just adorable. So you know, same old same old ;)

      I really enjoyed practicing my Japanese, I've gotten back to my usual strategy of talking in Japanese and letting them talk to me in English--that way we each get to practice :D

    2. Hehe I remember now, I wrote that post up before going to the sentou, because I knew that once I went to the baths I would come back and immediatly go to sleep. Which is pretty much exactly what happened
