Monday, September 8, 2014

We all knew this post, or one like it, was coming . . .

Hey guys,

It goes without saying that the longest, most involved, and most passionately written posts on this blog will be about food and/or booze.  Because duh.  So why, then, has it been this long without a post about the Tokyo drinking scene?

Well, a couple reasons.  The first being that when I'm out hanging out with friends at a bar I am much less inclined to take pictures than during the day when I'm in full-on tourist mode.  The second being that drinking out falls into two categories for me--drinking for the drink, and drinking for the friends.  While I've done plenty of the latter, I can't pretend it will be too interesting for you guys to read about.  As for the former, my budget has somewhat restricted that--they respect cocktails here in Tokyo, which is awesome but means that the top cocktail bars make Los Angeles cocktail bars look cheap.  But don't worry, that's all coming

So what's left then, if I am to share my indulgences of the culinary palette available to bartenders and consumers of alcohol alike?  Fortunately, I was down in the Southwest of Tokyo for a job interview today, so I got to stop by Akasaka to visit my favorite liquor store in the whole city

This post has already gotten very long-winded, so I think we should switch to question-and-answer format in hopes of constraining my verbosity.  Strap in, it's gonna be a long ride

Q:  Well let's start in the obvious place, how's the sake selection?
A:  I could drink a bottle a day and still not be done by the time my visa runs out
I want it all
Q:  Ok that's nice, but I prefer my sake cold.  Do they have a decent selection chilled?
A:  You know it.  Check it out:

Four coolers
Q:  Huh?  I thought you said they had a decent amount.  That doesn't seem like very much
A:  That's because you are assuming those are 750s.  Nope, 1800mLs, so delicious
Thank god it's just a wall of coolers instead of a walk-in; otherwise I'd crawl in and never leave.  I already considered it with these tiny coolers
Q:  Haha ok, I get it.  What if I want something a bit higher proof?
A:  How do you like Shochu?
Many others available, but I had to take a picture of the five different kinds of Iichiko
Q:  How are the prices?
A:  Oh you're gonna be mad at me for this.  Bottle of Iichiko standard?  $10
Thank god they don't keep these in the cooler, that would be dangerous
Q:  Ok fine, I get it, awesome sake and shochu selection.  Should I then assume that their Japanese whiskey selection is equally extensive?
A:  I think that would be a fair assumption, yeah
Suntory, Nikka, and a full line of Ichiro's as well.  Glorious, glorious
Q:  All well and good, but do they have anything with aromatic character and tender, woody flavor?
A:  You'd better believe it
Mars Whiskey.  I'm not saying it's distilled on Mars, but I'm not saying it isn't . . .
Q:  Hmm, anything with a humorous picture of a Scotsman on it?
A:  Yup
He seems like a cool dude
Q:  Ok I get it, they have lots of cool, special whiskeys.  But I'm having a big party, I need quantity.  Do they have anything that comes in a 4 litre bottle?
A:  Count 'em, four different kinds
All for around $40 each
Q:  Fine, Japanese whiskey.  But I hear Japanese like scotch as well, do they have any of that?
A:  Haha you're cute
Q:  Ok, I get it, they like scotch.  But it's mostly highland stuff, right?  Japanese can't handle the more peaty stuff?
A:  Very cute
Laphroaig Triple Wood, $60??  Yes please
Q:  Fine, fine, fine.  But we know you, Noah, you're definitely a whiskey patriot.  How's their selection of American?
A:  Bourbon-licious, my friends.  Bourbon-licious
God bless America
Land that I love
Q:  Ok, but it's probably pretty expensive, right?
A:  Hahaha 700mL of Jim Beam white is $10
Q:  Bastard.  But do they have premium bourbon?
A:  From Basil to Blanton's
Oh, and did I mention that they're charging $30 for it???
Q:  But surely they don't have rye for a good price . . .
A:  Jim Rye, one of the most underrated products on the market
Q:  Ugh, not fair.  But do you have anything for, you know, special occasions?
A:  Ten steps ahead of you, my friend.  Wild Turkey 101
Oh Kentucky, you land of mystery and wonder
Q:  Ok, I get it, you're not lacking for whiskey.  What else have they got?
A:  Equally good selections of Rum, Vodka, and Gin
Q:  Tequila?
A:  Tequila
Q:  Fine, base spirits abound.  But you're a cocktail guy, Noah, all of these are well and good but not the same without liqueurs and aperitifs.  How's the selection there?
A:  Oh they have liqueurs.  And the prices?  Amazing
Campari, Aperol.  750mLs.  $13 and $14.  Yeeeeeeah
Green and Yellow Chartreuse.  $30 and $40
Becherovka.  $26
Even Grandma, 750mL for $25.  Japan is amazing
Q:  Ok that's amazing.  But bitters!  I've got you there!  No way they have a bitters selection enough to satisfy you
A:  Nobody does this side of DeLaurenti in Pike Place Market.  Fortunately, I thought of that ahead of time  . . .
They say fortune favors the prepared
Q:  Ok, I get it.  This liquor store is awesome, Japan's liquor prices are absurd, you're the coolest person ever, Noah
A:  Why thank you
Q:  And yet, I just can't seem to put my finger on it but something's missing.  Something's lacking.  Something just doesn't seem right . . .
A:  Oh don't worry.  Got that one covered too
Twenty.  Dollars.
Excellence knows no oceans.  No frontiers

Noah out


  1. You're going to have to Chiba and check out Costco!

    1. Haha agreed! Although it will be a while before I have spare time, spare money, *and* spare storage space to be putting a bar together for myself. Mostly I just enjoy the window shopping!
