Monday, March 30, 2015

Sakura in Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens

Hey everybody,

Ok, yup, people have been asking me when this post was coming for months.  It is officially sakura (cherry blossom) season in Tokyo.  And don't think that "season" is a figure of speech, they are literally monitoring the sakura on the news, delivering updates on the train ("The sakura have reached Kyoto!  Should be in Tokyo next Sunday!").  The sakura are a big deal out here, and as soon as the blossoms open the entire population of Tokyo heads to the parks to enjoy them.  I love it!

This is only the first round of sakura pictures, but I thought I would head back to my favorite garden in the city to see what they had to offer.  So here we are, from Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens, the first of the season's sakura

While not as awe-inspiringly full of pink as some of the more famous spots in Tokyo that are nothing but cherry trees, I actually like the contrast of the mostly green trees with accents of blossom

I happened the be there a little later in the day, so the dark shade in some areas was a pretty awesome contrast to the areas still in light

Not a lot of sakura, but I feel like I was *really* lucky and this picture turned out amazing, so I had to include it.  No seriously, this is one of my favorites I've taken for this blog

No, we're not allowed on this island.  Which sucks, because I want to live there

Umm, dark foreground, light background shot again?  Apparently I'm just a sucker for that

While the wind whips through the rest of the city mercilessly, the walls around the garden are high enough to keep out breeze and street noise alike

This wasn't even at a prime time to visit, more like late afternoon.  I can only imagine how packed the garden is during midmorning

And finally, the requisite close-up shot.  Because artistic and stuff

More to come!

Noah out

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