Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi everybody,

One last post from my mother's visit.  I think I'm a little late getting this up in time for Mother's Day, but I wanted to post it regardless.  Here's the deal:  My mom is awesome

And while she loved going on our little adventures together, she also had a goal:  She wanted to help me out getting my apartment together.  She wanted to get me the little things to make my apartment more comfortable, more homey.  We walked around (which wasn't easy for her after foot surgery) Ikea and Costco, neighborhood places and big department stores.

I didn't take a picture of everything, because most of the great stuff she got me were just little things (a dish rack, a board to place over my washer for extra counter space, a hall tree).  But here are a few of the things that make me smile to look at them, because they came with thoughtfulness and love!

A lamp, because she wants me to be comfortable sitting on my couch reading a book
A car rug, because every damn apartment is better with a rug that allows you to pretend that your feet are cars
She even tracked down a table that's the *perfect* height for my couch!
Oh, and she actually dragged out two of my pots, a skillet, and a massive heavy pan *on the airplane*.  Because she is my mom
That's my mom, she's pretty amazing.  She outfitted my apartment, both with things she bought and things she brought over

This last one I wanted to post, however, isn't something my mother got me.  It's something she instructed me to purchase once I moved into my apartment (and actually, my friend Brittani beat me to it by getting it for me for my birthday!).  It's a toaster oven, and I have it for a very specific reason

"Do you have an oven?"
"No, just a stove"
"You should pick up a toaster oven"
"Nah I don't think I need one"
"No, you should pick up a toaster oven"
"How come?"
"Because at some point, you're going to want to make nachos"

. . . how do mothers get to be so wise????  It's amazing

This is a post about my mother, and how she worked to do the little things to turn my house into a home

Noah out


  1. This is so sweet! Your mom is great. :)

  2. Noah,
    Your mother really is impressive regardless of how we define impressive. But getting your apartment lined out like that when in Tokyo ever so briefly ranks right up there. You are very fortunate to have the mother you do. Thanks for sharing her with me sometimes
