Saturday, May 2, 2015

NoahandMominTokyo 2: The Sequel (Hatonomori Park, Sendagaya)

Hi all,

Continuing from my last post, another post featuring my mom!  I didn't take a lot of pictures, we were too busy running around for me to photo document it a lot.  But one more thing I wanted to share with you all

We headed on back to Sendagaya, the neighborhood our family lived in when she was born.  And we headed to Hatomori Park, which my mother remembers playing at when she was only 5 years old.  I know, I know, you guys are probably tired of seeing yet another little park in Tokyo, regardless of the emotional value for me and mine ;)

But this one is pretty cool.  It's famous for its Fuji-zaka hill, which is to say a miniature model of Mt. Fuji.  Complete with tiny models of some of the shrines on the mountain, it's a great little landmark that's popular with both tourists and the ubiquitous little kids running up and down it (my mother used to be one of those!)

Guide map and everything, so you don't get lost on the trek up.  Oxygen tanks not provided, sadly
Remind me to come back later in Spring and Summer, when the flowers are blooming!
Great view from the top, too!
A very nice little day hike, all things considered!

As for the rest of the park, I don't know if it would necessarily be a spot for every tourist coming to Tokyo, but it's a very pleasant way to spend a warm Spring afternoon.  There's a wonderful little shrine and even a stage for Noh performances on summer evenings.  Nice little spot, for sure

Wash your hands before paying respects, of course
A small donation is customary, I like to think of it as fee to get to ring the bell
A beautiful setting for a neighborhood park

Anyways, nothing major to say.  One of my favorite parts of living in Tokyo is participating in the generations of my family's history that have taken place here.  This one is a pretty recent bit of family history, but just as precious!

Noah out

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