Monday, January 12, 2015


Hey guys,

So, part of being a grownup is having grownup things.  Things like furniture.  In my case, a couch.  Yes, I've lived in my apartment for more than a month and have yet to get a couch.  I'm busy, ok?

But while I do need grownup stuff, I don't want to be too grown up.  So what's the compromise between grownup furniture but not actually wanting to be grown up?  Ikea, of course

Oh yes, there are Ikeas in Japan.  A few of them, and they are glorious.  When apartments in the city are as expensive as they are (and trust me, they are ridiculous) I guess you gotta save money somewhere (especially since it seems like people in Japan are pathologically against buying things used.  It's weird).  So people get on the train and make the long trek out to the farthest suburbs to find Ikea.  And they apparently take their Ikeas seriously here

This Ikea has flags, people.  Flags!
There was a drum performance out front!  Ok that might have been because it's a holiday weekend with a big sale.  But still, drum performance!

It gets even more daunting when you get inside.  This is an Ikea with a full-on lobby.  The first thing you see is the escalator to the second floor.  Guys there is an entire second floor showroom in addition to the entire main floor showroom.  It's terrifying

I choose to believe that this Ikea is so large it has its own police force

I've always thought of Ikea as some kind of enchanted forest in a high fantasy novel.  Every time I go I expect to be told by a wizened old hag to be told to stay on the path.  Woe betide he who strays from the path!

No seriously, stay on the path.  It is really easy to get turned around in there.  It's really easy to get turned around when you can read the language in which the sings are written.  Without that, it's essentially hopeless.  Thank god they sell food in there, I think that was started to be able to avoid lawsuits from people starving to death while wandering aimlessly

And yet, that's what made me slightly homesick.  I've spent many a wonderful, wonderful day wandering through Ikea trying to find the exit.  Get a friend, tell them that you want a new bookcase and you need moral support (and navigation aid), and get ready to spend your whole day down there

It's nice to know that even here in Japan, people are still willing to brave this wonderful yet terrible place in order to find cheap furniture

Couches were actually the first section, which was good because I could usually find my way back there when I wanted to double-check something
A ton of the kitchen displays were galley kitchens, which if you've ever seen a Japanese apartment makes sense.  Hey no problems here, my mom and I grew up with a galley kitchen and made delicious food in it
Giant piles of stuffed animals?  Check!
Bizarre I-don't-have-anywhere-to-put-this-and-even-if-I-did-why-would-I decorations?  Ch-check!
Rug where you get to walk around in circles pretending your feet are cars?  Ch-ch-ch-ch-check!!!
Fun fact:  Actually larger than some central Tokyo apartments

I liked going to Ikea.  That was super fun.  Add that to the fact that there's a Costco in the same complex (might write up a separate post about that as well!) and I know where to go if I'm ever feeling homesick

You can leave home, but some things you just can't escape

Good way to spend an afternoon.  Plus, I kinda wanna go back for that car rug

Noah out

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