Wednesday, August 13, 2014

"I watched / the patchwork farms . . ."

Alternate title:  Noah used Fly!  Noah got away safely!

Hey guys,

I have arrived safely in Tokyo.  Flight was no problem, I go into travel mode pretty easily and can just zone out and read/movie/music/all-three-at-once

Here's a picture of me just before leaving, with the entirety of my wordly possessions packed into four bags.  Photo cred by the way goes to my lovely mother, who I expect to be a frequent commenter on this blog! (although for some reason, she always posts using the pseudonym "Irene Tanabe".  I don't know why she doesn't just use her real name, "Mom").  As someone who managed to hang out juuust this side of compulsive hoarder, putting all of my things into storage and just taking those four bags was very difficult but also kinda fun--a perverse sense of excitement, the thrill of the forbidden

Items in my possession not in picture:  One(1) camera, one(1) camera case

As I said above, flight was no problem.  I even got an exit row aisle seat, for free!  Legroom for daaaays, that was amazing.  Of course, upon arrival I had to navigate bus and train with all of those bags, and since it was like 6pm that was . . . awkward.  I felt really bad taking up like a square meter of space on a rush-hour train.  But hey, gaijin here, clearly I don't know better

The only hard part of the entire trip?  Lugging my entire bodyweight worth of stuff (yes, I brought my castiron skillet, no I don't regret that in the least.  I love that pan) the mile from the train station to the hostel.  Not gonna lie, my arms are still sore from that

But anyways, here I am, safe and sound in Tokyo.  Had a great night last night, and I'm ready to attack the day today!  By which I mean I'm gonna go get some breakfast


Noah out


  1. Of course you brought your cast-iron skillet. Nerd. :P

    Please ignore the fact that Dan and I cook with our cast-iron skillet so often that I have no idea why we bothered with both a nonstick skillet and a stainless steel one...

    Also, whenever you feel like making this thing fancy, or getting a custom domain name, let me know. I can help. ;)

    1. Also let's be real, though I am so proud of my Japanese heritage I am without a doubt American. Meaning the day will come, and come soon, when I really need to take a giant piece of cow and cook it until it is seared on the outside and still bloody on the inside. And I need a castiron to do that. If that makes me a nerd, then dammit I'm a nerd (we already knew I am a nerd)

      (although, fun fact for the day: All of the blood is drained from the meat during the slaughtering and pack process; the red juice you see are myoglobin, not hemoglobin)

  2. Noah -- have a great time. What an adventure, Bruce

    1. I will, thanks so much for your encouragement! You hold down the fort back in Seattle for me, I still consider that home :)

  3. I worried about you and all your bags but I am glad you are there okay. That is so cool that you are next to a "sento." Did I ever take you to the one at Sendagaya. It was right next to the laundromat. A couple more soaks and your tired arms and feet will be as good as new.

    1. The sentou is amazing. I definitely just got back from my second trip there in as many days. Might be a daily thing for me . . .
