Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kawaguchi shrine

Hey guys,

I wanted to post a few pictures of a little shrine on the walk between the station and the hostel

No big deal, just a quick stop :)
The first time I walked past this shrine I was carrying more than 150lbs (~55kilohertz, I believe) of luggage, so I didn't have time to stop.  But I made my way back next chance I got, to throw some money in.  That's something I always like to do when travelling--pay respect to the local gods, say thanks for letting me come by.  Really that should probably go double when I am actually moving here, huh?

A bell, to let the spirits know you're here
I always like seeing stone lanterns.  No doubt you've all seen them in pictures of temples or graveyards.  See, as I understand it, Japanese believe that although these lanterns are empty to our eyes, they are illuminated for dead spirits.  You guys know I'm not religious, but I've always loved a good story.  To me, this speaks of dead spirits left behind on Earth, trapped in a world that is dark and lifeless and grey.  It speaks to me of loneliness.  And so, we put up lights, lights only these lonely spirits can see, in place like temples and shrines and graveyards--signs to let them know that here they are welcome :)

Noah out

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