Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Inaugural Post

Hi everybody,

Welcome to my blog.  With luck, I should be pretty decent about updating this once or twice a week.  If nothing else, it's fun for me to be able to look back at everything I've done.  I'm hoping this will be a nice little collection of my experiences, things I learn, and in general all of the cool things I plan to encounter as I embark on this adventure.  Also, pictures of food.  Lots of pictures of food

Expect long sentences, made even longer with the use of extraneous parenthetical statements (I think they're fun, ok?  Plus this is pretty much how I talk in real life, I know, try to keep up) and archaic punctuation marks; also every post will be edited multiple times as I decide, sometimes weeks or even months after the fact, that I don't like how that one sentence was phrased and I need to rewrite it.  There will be pictures, but not of everything because I am terrible at remembering to bring my camera along and terrible at remembering to use it even when I do have it.  There will be random musings, strange observations, song lyrics or quotes that I don't expect everyone to recognize, and long drawn-out explanations of very pedestrian experiences that I thought were kinda fun/funny so you guys will be stuck reading about them.  There will be sprinklings of profanity, because I type like I speak.  There will be Oxford commas (which are very important because one of my common tools for making my sentences unnecessarily long is to have long lists of phrases, and it's hard to parse those properly unless you know to expect an Oxford comma), but there will not be periods to end paragraphs

(If you have a problem with the periods thing, you and Mr. Duxbury, my twelfth-grade English teacher, can start a club.  Dux, I have no idea why you would be reading this, but if you are I regret to inform you that your unsubtle efforts to mark a period at the end of every single paragraph in every single essay I turned in for an entire year were sadly ineffective)

I've allowed commenting by anyone, even those without a blogger account (although it's the same as a Google account, so you all probably have one anyways).  Feel free to add comments, questions, requests, praise and adoration.  Try and keep profanity and debauchery to a minimum but I'm not asking you to be someone your'e not

Anyways, this whole post will probably get moved over to a "description" section once I get around to formatting this thing.  But in the meantime, welcome everybody, I look forward to having you along on my adventure


Noah out


  1. Remember our livejournal days? You're the reason I first started blogging. Now look at us, all old and stuff.

    Look forward to FREQUENT blog comments from me. Long rambling ones too. Because I'm gonna pretend I'm 17 again and commenting on your livejournal.

    1. I can't wait. You're kind of the coolest and best person ever, Brita
