Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tokyo is a really, really big city, it's--whoa wait, what was that??

Hi everyone,

So, Tokyo is a really big city.  Like, really big.  Let me try to explain.  Take a look at these pictures:

Busy street
Tall buildings
More tall buildings

Any other city, this would be essentially downtown.  I know in Seattle you don't see buildings that big outside of downtown, except for maybe the giant condo overlords in Ballard and we won't talk about those.  But here in Tokyo?  That's not downtown.  That's a suburb.  And not even a major suburb, this is Kawaguchi, twenty minute train ride from anywhere major.  The train station here has only a single line stop at it; express lines just zip right by

That's how big Tokyo is.  That an area like this isn't even on the radar.  This isn't even Ballard or West Seattle; it's Wedgewood, it's Mt. Baker.  Here, look at a few more pictures:

That's a straight-up skyscraper
Another busy street
Another tall buil--wait a minute, go back
Go back one picture.  What was that???


That thing is like two stories tall!!!
My god . . .

So, I want everyone to be clear what happened here.  Some guy, some hero of truly monumental proportions, was at the building committee meeting and said, "You know what this building could use?  A giant lion on top of it."  And then everyone else at the meeting said, "You know what?  You're right.  Let's do it"

I don't even remember what this post was originally about.  Now, this post is about how awesome this giant lion statue is.  It is so awesome

So awesome

So awesome

Noah out


  1. It reminded me of the lions in Budapest until you pointed it's like two stories tall. Why is it there? It doesn't have anything to do with Docomo. Which reminds me, are you getting a keitai?

    1. I think it's very clear why the lion is there. Because it is super cool to have a giant lion on top of your building

      Also I'm concentrating on finding gainful employment before I acquire things that will cost me money, such as a keitai ;)

    2. (P.S. Sentou doesn't count)

    3. And by the way, that lion is not *nearly* haughty enough to be a Hungarian lion. Remember?

  2. That giant lion is stupendously awesome. So is the hugeness of that suburb.

  3. But how will future employers reach you if you don't have a cellphone?
