Saturday, September 27, 2014

In which Our Hero was apparently punished for his hubris

Hi guys,

I figured out what my ironic Greek punishment would be.  Basically, the opposite of Tantalus: Instead of being hungry but denied of opportunity to eat or drink, I would be giving the opportunity to eat all the tasty food I wanted--but I would always already be full

Here's how I came to this realization.  After spending the day wandering around Yanaka and gorging myself on a giant portion of some of the best curry I have ever eaten (and yes, I stand by that statement--so you can just deal with it, random jerk with no life taking advantage of internet anonymity), I meandered on down to Ueno.  The meander has been a solid method of transportation for me lately; Basically I pick a neighborhood I like, then pick another neighborhood 2-5 train stops away, and then spend a few hours making my way from one to the other at a leisurely pace.  "Meander" is a good term for it, because my distaste for taking the straight line from A to B generates a path approaching fractal complexity--I can turn a 2km as-the-crow-flies path into a 8km wander, given appropriate distractions

But I digress, the point is that I ended up in Ueno Park already very, very full of delicious curry . . . aaaaaand walked right into the middle of the Indian Subcontinent Culture Festival.  Complete with all kinds of delicious food.  I felt like I was going to cry

Curry and samosas and Nepalese dumplings everywhere
Everywhere I turned, nothing but delicious-looking food for like 500yen per plate
Why, Zues, why????
And reasonably priced booze too???  I would rather have my liver eaten by an eagle every day

It was truly awful, the most terrible of tortures imaginable--to be surrounded by the sight and smell (oh yes, the smell) of such delicious food while too full to eat any.  Just awful

Anyways, long story short I still got a big thing of lamb biryani.  Because I have poor impulse control.  The plan was to take it home with me, but then I walked past a comfy looking bench like thirty seconds later and stopped to try a few bites and ended up eating the whole container of delicious spicy lamby goodness.  Because I have poor impulse control

You had me at "what's that in the squeeze bottle?" "spicy sauce, you can add extra"
I have such poor impulse control.  It was totally worth it

Noah out


  1. haha..impulse control. Oh how heartless your mind can be sometimes!!!

    Sometimes the destination isn't as exciting as the route there. Everyone reading your blog loves that you meander!

    1. Seemingly contradictory, but I think life is too short to hurry between two places when you don't have to ;)
