Tuesday, September 2, 2014

NoahandMasonandXiaoandChe and the Last Crusade (Sensoji Temple)

Part 1
Part 2

Hi everyone,

Part 3!  We last left our heroes on a boat trip up the Sumida River, where was their destination?  Possibly the most famous sight in all of Tokyo, Sensoji Temple.  The walk up went something like this:

Che:  "Where's this temple?"
Noah:  "You'll know it when you see it . . ."
"I think I found it!"
Although, technically speaking, Chun Che was incorrect--that's not the temple itself, merely the gate to the walkway up to the temple.  In order to get to the temple, we had to brave about a half a kilometer of souvenir shops.  It's amazing, I love it

We have our shop of postcards and keychains next to a shop of traditional woodblock prints next to a shop of plastic action figures next to a shop of kimonos.  A personal favorite of my mother's is the little shop specializing in miniatures  See, I figured out a rule for my mom (which is actually pretty effective with most girls) that if something is smaller than a normal version of that thing, then it is "cute":
That said, I probably could have figured out even without the rule that a tiny statue of kittens fighting is pretty cute

Hopefully you'll be able to make it to the temple itself (without buying too much stuff), and you'll be rewarded.  Hundreds of thousands of people come every year to pay their respects.  I recommend you do as well, it's not hard!

Walk through the second gate, flanked by the gods of wind and thunder
Wash your hands at the spring
Purchase a stick of incense for 100yen
And place it in the burner, letting the smoke wash over you

And then, not technically part of paying your respect, but I think that going to have some nice soba noodles is an indispensable part of the experience as well.  But maybe that's just me.  I recommend Namiki Yabu Soba, which has been hand-making their noodles for generations

I don't want to perpetuate racial stereotypes, but it's worth noting that Mason, upper-right, was the only one that started eating right away because the three Asian boys stopped to take pictures of their food

Not a bad day so far for three Pageboys!

Next up:  Ginza!

Noah out

Part 4

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