Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Hi everyone,

So I wrote a bit back about the luxury of being able not to know what's going on.  It's fun!  This statue in Ueno Park is one of those times

It would take about thirty seconds' worth of research to discover who this man is, and what he did.  Maybe I should, I'm sure he led an impressive life and accomplished great things.  But really, I kind of like not knowing.  In my mind, this statue is a monument not to a single men but to all handsomely mustachioed scientists posing dramatically with test tubes all around the world

Plus, let's be real, this world would be a better place if guys doing Science were just as respected and idolized as guys making war (which, in my observation, is how the subjects of most public monuments get chosen).  Although you know me, I'm just a sucker for cool statues of any kind

Anyways, I choose to imagine that this is what all of my friend that are in grad school for Life Sciences look like every day.  Or at least, all of my friends that understand the true purpose of Science--the opportunity to look cool while wearing a lab coat

Some people just get it
Noah out

1 comment:

  1. Ore ga dare da to omotte yagaru?! HOUOUIN KYOUMA DA!
    ...otoko da.
