Thursday, April 16, 2015

I get philosophical about liquor prices at 2 in the morning

Hi guys,

As someone whose formative cocktailing years were spent at the mercy of Washington's State-run liquor stores, the breadth of liquor pricing here in Tokyo is astounding.  I have an entire section of my Tokyo Pictures folder devoted solely to photos snapped of liquor prices, each one labelled for organizational purposes (e.g. "Nishikawaguchi Donqui, Cointreau, 1885yen").  Disparities of 500 yen are not uncommon even on the cheap items, and for the big-tickets items the savings can be very significant.  Naturally, I consider this to be a very poignant metaphor for the capriciousness of life . . .

Listen kids, sometimes life sucks.  Sometimes you fly halfway around the world and, while still temporally and spatially disoriented, you need to work from early morning until late at night--a hell made all the more poignant by the inalienable knowledge that you will be doing the same thing tomorrow, except starting even earlier

But sometimes, sometimes, you pop quickly into one of your favorite liquor stores to check out their bargain corner, a mysterious land in which bottles are dirt-cheap even when the exact same bottle is on the shelf for full price on the other side of the store.  And sometimes you find a bottle of Fernet Branca (already preposterously cheap, by US standards, at $20) in that section . . .

Let me phrase it a different way.  Sometimes Life favors you with a devilish grin but then takes advantage of the moment to sucker punch you in the stomach.  And then she kicks you in the teeth.  And then she cackles and says something unkind and inappropriate about your mother

But sometimes, just sometimes, Life sidles up to you, coyly refusing to hold your gaze but then sneaking within your arms to to give you a furtive hug and a featherlight kiss on the cheek.  Sometimes she smiles shyly, playfully buries her head in your chest, and tells you that things aren't always as bad as they seem, and that everything will work out, and that she loves you

At least, that's what finding a bottle of Fernet for 8 freakin' dollars feels like to me.  8 dollars!  Telling you, guys, sometimes Life's not such a bad lady after all.  This town never ceases to ambush me with the most pleasant of surprises


Noah out


  1. Fernet Branca is fabulous - over rocks sipped slowly or even neat - a mellow drink after a long day. and at $8 - that is a rocking great deal. Glad to know you are thriving.

    1. It is, and I am. I appreciate you support!
