Saturday, April 25, 2015

Shimizudani Park: Keep your head on a swivel, you never know what you might find

Hey guys,

I've said it before, I'll say it again.  Tokyo is perhaps the greatest city in the entire world for wandering (and yes, I include Budapest, which is a damn fine city for wandering itself, in that assessment).  Go on a long walk, I promise you won't be able to go far without discovering a fun shop, a gorgeous statuary, or in this case a gorgeous park :D

Shimizudani Park, located just North of Akasaka, was an absolute treat to stumble upon.  I probably never would have found it if I hadn't meandered from Ichigaya to Akasaka the other day, but I'll make a point to do that meander more often if it means a chance to visit this park (although it is relatively near Le Tour D'Argent, the nicest French place in town, so obviously I would have discovered it next time I dined there :P)

Let's be honest, I'm usually pretty easy for sun shining through trees onto wooded paths . . .
Throw in classic-style Japanese architecture, and I'm a total sucker
I could make a point about "reverence for monument to the past" and junk, but really I just like cool statues.  Like I said, I'm easy
As I mentioned in my first Kourakuen post, my favorite part of all of these parks is the fact that, even in a city so famous for the preoocupation of its inhabitants, people make an effort to take some time out of the days to appreciate it.  And really, there's no better way to take a break from a stressful work day than relaxing beside a pond in the middle of a heavily wooded park

And, well, if said lovely little park happens to be only a block away from an office plaza where you can find a number of food trucks parked every lunchtime, well then . . .

I love this city!

Noah out

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