Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sakura Fairgrounds

Hi guys.

I feel like I didn't express clearly enough in my last post just how big of a deal sakura season is here in Tokyo.  Guys, sakura season is a big, giant deal here in Tokyo

It only lasts for a week, but for that entire week the entire city gets devoted to hanami (flower-viewing).  No seriously, the entire city

Every single place in the city that has cherry blossoms gets flooded with people to view them.  And in turn, at the best sites, be they city parks or sacred shrines, if there's room for it they'll set up picnic tables and food stands to sell to them.  They will turn temple grounds into fairgrounds.  Because that's just what we do in the springtime in Tokyo.  

Special guest appearance by my oneesan (big sister) Teru, who is pretty much the coolest, nicest, best person in the world--and an excellent hanami companion
It didn't hurt that the day was absolutely *gorgeous* . . . I mean, seriously, look at that
Beer, sake, and pretty much anything you could possibly want threaded onto a stick and grilled.  And that's only at *one stand*
Looks like the upcoming generation of takoyaki chefs are here and learning from the masters that came before
Did I mention the awesome amount of grilled things on sticks???  God I love this country
Most of the stalls are just that, little stalls, but every so often someone ponied up for the extra-large lot and had basically a portable restaurant going
I'm pretty sure Japanese people have been cooking fish exactly like this--skewered and stuck into the sand around a fire--for thousands of years.  Tens of thousands.  Because if it ain't broke . . .
Phenomenally fresh shellfish, meet fire and sunshine.  Fire, sunshine, this is some phenomenally fresh shellfish.  I think you will be friends
Like I said, if there are cherry blossoms there will be people set up to view them.  Be it a park, a garden, or a temple, because that is how Tokyo rolls
It's even a family affair!  Mom is cooking takoyaki out front, while son and grandpa hang out in the back
And yes, there are carnival games.  You thought I was exaggerating when I said that they basically set up fairgrounds wherever there are cherry blossoms.  I wasn't
And yes . . . there's even cotton candy.  Because it wouldn't be a fair without it

Listen, I'm still a young man, I get that.  There is a lot that I haven't seen in this world, I will be the first to admit that.  But I am pretty damn confident that there are not a lot of places on this earth where you can go to a shrine or temple, buy a bag of cotton candy with a cartoon character on it, and enjoy it underneath cherry blossoms.  So when you find one of those places, you should cherish it

Noah out

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