Monday, April 27, 2015

[Reblog] Tony drops some knowledge all up on y'all

Hey guys,

So, as you know, I make every effort I can to ensure that this blog is both entertaining and educational.  And when my own knowledge has a gap, I have no shame in directing you to other places where you can learn

Courtesy of my friend Tony, important knowledge about sushi:

Who knew such an ancient cooking form used so much molecular gastronomy?

Noah out

1 comment:

  1. Noah,
    As you can see, I am late to catching up on your blog. Anyway, I just checked out Tony's blog - hilarious. I will never eat Sushi again without this blog in my head. I think that is a good thing. All this time and I never really understood that Hotate was really Japanese pemmican - or that Tako is really Carnitas sushi. I have a whole new appreciation for what I will eat in the future.
